
I came across this code while reading "Programming F# 3.0":

type BitCounter =

    static member CountBits (x : int16) =
        let mutable x' = x
        let mutable numBits = 0
        for i = 0 to 15 do
            numBits <- numBits + int (x' &&& 1s)
        x' <- x' >>> 1

    static member CountBits (x : int) =
        let mutable x' = x
        let mutable numBits = 0
        for i = 0 to 31 do
            numBits <- numBits + int (x' &&& 1)
        x' <- x' >>> 1

    static member CountBits (x : int64) =
        let mutable x' = x
        let mutable numBits = 0
        for i = 0 to 63 do
            numBits <- numBits + int (x' &&& 1L)
        x' <- x' >>> 1

I attempted to shorten this part by making an auxiliary function:

type BitCounter =

    static member CountBitsWithRangedMask x upBound typeConverter =
        seq { for i = 0 to upBound do yield 1 <<< i }
            |> typeConverter
            |> ((&&&) x)
            |> Seq.filter ((<>) (typeConverter 0))
            |> Seq.length

    static member CountBits (x : int16) =
        BitCounter.CountBitsWithRangedMask x 15 int16

    static member CountBits (x : int) =
        BitCounter.CountBitsWithRangedMask x 31 int

    static member CountBits (x : int64) =
        BitCounter.CountBitsWithRangedMask x 63 int64

But static member CountBits (x : int) caused a compilation error:

error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type

So I'm wondering if I can add some constraint like Integral a in Haskell on CountBitsWithRangedMask's first argument. Or is there any other solution that can simplify the original code?

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You can use LanguagPrimitives.GenericOne and LanguagPrimitives.GenericZero combined with inline to acheive this.

let inline CountBitsWithRangedMask x upBound =
    seq { for i = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero to upBound do yield LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne <<< i }
    |> ((&&&) x)
    |> Seq.filter ((<>) (LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero))
    |> Seq.length

let test16 (x:System.Int16) = CountBitsWithRangedMask x 15
let test32 (x:System.Int32) = CountBitsWithRangedMask x 31
let test64 (x:System.Int64) = CountBitsWithRangedMask x 63

Using this we also don't need the typeConverter parameter as the compiler does everything automatically.

This is a reasonably general method for these sorts of problems.

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