
I setup a basic Javascript app on IIS7 about a month back. I made use of the Sharrre jquery plugin to add some social media buttons to it.

For a couple of months they looked as expected:
EDIT This below screenshot is not from my site, as I dont have a screengrab from when it was working. You can kind of see it working from this image for proof.

enter image description here

However, I have noticed that over the last couple of weeks, it does not appear correctly, regardless of browser and an empty cache:

enter image description here

I have not made any changes to the code, so looking for some advice to whats causing this?

All I can think of is that perhaps because theres more people sharing it, the number has caused the balloon to somehow move somewhere else or vanish? I cant see any related errors in Firebug and I do not believe IIS has been fiddled with at the server end.

Was it helpful?


Inside your map.js file can you try updating the sharrre initialization code to what's below?

  share: {
    googlePlus: true,
    facebook: true,
    twitter: true,
  buttons: {
    googlePlus: {size: 'tall', annotation:'bubble'},
    facebook: {layout: 'box_count'},
    twitter: {count: 'vertical'},
  enableHover: false,
  enableCounter: false,
  enableTracking: true

(adding in "annotation:'bubble'" for googlePlus)


Add annotation in your configuration:

googlePlus: {size: 'tall', annotation:'bubble'},

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