
I want to implement varnish with my newly deployed rails web application.

Rails version 3.2.12 with

Ruby 1.9.2p318 (2012-02-14 revision 34678) [i686-linux]

In my application user authentication is done by cookies but varnish is not caching content when cookies are present there.So i found that for logged in users varnish is forwarding request to my application.i am vary new to varnish not sure how to solve this.May be i need to put some block in the vernish configuration file.But the thing is in live and users using my application.I had stopped the varnish.Any cocrete help will be appriciated really.

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I found the solution in this blog Ruby on Rails, Varnish and user dependent content and i think the solution according to the blog is :

A good approach to get a simple solution to this problem is to add the application cookie to the hash Varnish uses to look for cached content. This is done in the vcl_hash function of the config file:

sub vcl_hash {
   if (req.http.Cookie ~ "your_application_cookie") {
 return (hash);
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