
I am using a ListPicker and it is always showing in FullscreenOnly mode even if i change the ExpansionMode to ExpansionAllowed.

But in other page the same code is working properly.

Why is this strange behaviour happening?

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(Assuming this is the Windows Phone Toolkit ListPicker)

If your list is longer than 5 items then it will open in FullScreenMode. It isn't possible to change this threshold value.

So, this one will expand:

<toolkit:ListPicker Header="Background">

This one will always be full screen:

<toolkit:ListPicker Header="Background">


It is possible to expand more then 5 elements. You must set ItemCountThreshold.

I set it in view model in method where I set collection's items.

Collection = new ObservableCollection<Item>
    new Item();
    new Item();
    new Item();
    new Item();
    new Item();
    new Item();
CollectionItemsCount = Collection.Count;

And binding in xaml:

<toolkit:ListPicker ExpansionMode="ExpansionAllowed" ItemsSource="{Binding Collection}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemCountThreshold="{Binding CollectionItemsCount}">
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