
I'l like to know how to find a string that is between slach and a bracket or ']' like for example.

data = "(AVP:SMTP/xx@xx.xx) R:AVP:SMS.0/+44648474 id:24"
data2 = "(AVP:SMTP/<xxx@xx.xx>) R:AVP:FAX.0/<thisword> id:25"

si the idea is to get only xx@xx.xx and +44648474 for the first data and xx@xx.xx and thiswordfor the data2

I've tried this regex:

k = re.findall(r"/(\S+)",data2)

but it returns <xxx@xx.xx>) and <thisword>

and what i'd like to get is xx@xx.xx and thisword

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This one works.

import re

data = "(AVP:SMTP/xx@xx.xx) R:AVP:SMS.0/+44648474 id:24"
data2 = "(AVP:SMTP/<xxx@xx.xx>) R:AVP:FAX.0/<thisword> id:25"

regex = re.compile(r"/<?([^>\s\)]+)")

print regex.findall(data)
print regex.findall(data2)

['xx@xx.xx', '+44648474']
['xxx@xx.xx', 'thisword']

This regex breakdown:

  • / : the / character.
  • <? : optionaly a < character.
  • ( : start capture group.
  • [^>\s\)]+ : capture anything that is not >, \s (whitespace), or ).
  • ) : close capture group.


You can exclude such delimiters by using lookaround assertions:

k = re.findall(r"(?<=/<)[^>]+(?=>)",data2)

This would ensure "/<" before the match, match then everything that is not ">" at least once and succeed when there is a ">" after the match.

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