
In the world of MVC I have this view model...

public class MyViewModel{

public string FirstName{ get; set; }    }

...and this sort of thing in my view...

<%= Html.ValidationSummary("Please correct the errors and try again.") %>
<%= Html.TextBox("FirstName") %>
<%= Html.ValidationMessage("FirstName", "*") %>

My question: If I submit this form without supplying a name, I get the following message "The FirstName field is required"

OK. So, I go and change my property to...

[DisplayName("First Name")]
public string FirstName{ get; set; }    

..and now get "The First Name field is required"

All good so far.

So now I want the error message to display "First Name Blah Blah". How can I override the default message to display DisplayName + " Blah Blah", wihtout annotating all the properties with something like

[Required(ErrorMessage = "First Name Blah Blah")]



Was it helpful?


public class GenericRequired: RequiredAttribute
    public GenericRequired()
        this.ErrorMessage = "{0} Blah blah"; 


Here is a way to do it without subclassing RequiredAttribute. Just make some attribute adapter classes. Here I'm using ErrorMessageResourceType/ErrorMessageResourceName (with a resource) but you could easily set ErrorMessage, or even check for the existence of overrides before setting these.


public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication {
    protected void Application_Start() {
        // other stuff here ...
            typeof(RequiredAttribute), typeof(CustomRequiredAttributeAdapter));
            typeof(StringLengthAttribute), typeof(CustomStringLengthAttributeAdapter));

private class CustomRequiredAttributeAdapter : RequiredAttributeAdapter {
    public CustomRequiredAttributeAdapter(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context, RequiredAttribute attribute)
        : base(metadata, context, attribute)
        attribute.ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources);
        attribute.ErrorMessageResourceName = "ValRequired";

private class CustomStringLengthAttributeAdapter : StringLengthAttributeAdapter {
    public CustomStringLengthAttributeAdapter(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context, StringLengthAttribute attribute)
        : base(metadata, context, attribute)
        attribute.ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources);
        attribute.ErrorMessageResourceName = "ValStringLength";

This example would have you create a resource file named Resources.resx with ValRequired as the new required default message and ValStringLength as the string length exceeded default message. Note that for both, {0} receives the name of the field, which you can set with [Display(Name = "Field Name")].

It seems that RequiredAttribute doesn't implement IClientValidatable, so if you override the RequiredAttribute it breaks client side validation.

So this is what I did and it works. Hope this helps someone.

public class CustomRequiredAttribute : RequiredAttribute, IClientValidatable
    public CustomRequiredAttribute()
        this.ErrorMessage = "whatever your error message is";

    public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
        yield return new ModelClientValidationRule
            ErrorMessage = this.ErrorMessage,
            ValidationType = "required"

Just change



[Required(ErrorMessage = "Your Message, Bla bla bla aaa!")]

Edit: I posted this because I was looking for this solution with [Required] attribute and had problem to find it. Creating new Q/A don't look that good, since this question already exists.

I was trying to solve the same thing and I found very simple solution in MVC 4.

First, you would probably have to store error messages in some place. I used custom resources, well described at

Important is, that I can get any resource (even error message) by simply calling ResourcesProject.Resources.SomeCustomError or ResourcesProject.Resources.MainPageTitle etc. Everytime I try to access Resources class, it takes culture info from current thread and returns right language.

I have error message for field validation in ResourcesProject.Resources.RequiredAttribute. To set this message to appear in View, simply update [Required] attribute with these two parameters.

ErrorMessageResourceType - Type which will be called (in our example ResourcesProject.Resources)

ErrorMessageResourceName - Property, which will be called on the type above (In our case RequiredAttribute)

Here is a very simplified login model, which shows only username validation message. When the field is empty, it will take the string from ResourcesProject.Resources.RequiredAttribute and display this as an error.

    public class LoginModel
        [Required(ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Resources.Resources), ErrorMessageResourceName="RequiredAttribute")]
        [Display(Name = "User name")]
        public string UserName { get; set; }

You can write your own attribute:

public class MyRequiredAttribute : ValidationAttribute
    MyRequiredAttribute() : base(() => "{0} blah blah blah blaaaaaah")


    public override bool IsValid(object value)
        if (value == null)
            return false;
        string str = value as string;
        if (str != null)
            return (str.Trim().Length != 0);
        return true;

This is copy of RequiredAttribute from Reflector with changed error message.

using Resources;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;

public class CustomRequiredAttribute : RequiredAttribute,  IClientValidatable
    public CustomRequiredAttribute()
        ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(ValidationResource);
        ErrorMessageResourceName = "RequiredErrorMessage";

    public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)

        yield return new ModelClientValidationRule
            ErrorMessage = GetRequiredMessage(metadata.DisplayName),
            ValidationType = "required"

    private string GetRequiredMessage(string displayName) {

        return displayName + " " + Resources.ValidationResource.RequiredErrorMessageClient;        




enter image description here

Now use data annotation


This worked for me. Carefully read the comments inside the code. (Based on Chad's answer).

 // Keep the name the same as the original, it helps trigger the original javascript 
 // function for client side validation.

        public class RequiredAttribute : System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.RequiredAttribute, IClientValidatable
                public RequiredAttribute()
                    this.ErrorMessage = "Message" // doesnt get called again. only once.

                public IEnumerable<ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
                    yield return new ModelClientValidationRule
                        ErrorMessage = "Message", // this gets called on every request, so it's contents can be dynamic.
                        ValidationType = "required"
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