
Running the example source at

It runs successfully, however Eclipse throws bunch of WARNING messages. How Can I disable this from displaying ? All I really need is the last line Page title is: Cheese! - Google Search

17-Aug-2010 12:07:00 AM com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.util.StringUtils parseHttpDate
WARNING: Unable to parse date: -1
17-Aug-2010 12:07:00 AM com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.util.StringUtils parseHttpDate
WARNING: Unable to parse date: -1
17-Aug-2010 12:07:01 AM com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.DefaultCssErrorHandler error
WARNING: CSS error: null [1:4686] Error in style rule. Invalid token "*". Was expecting one of: <S>, "}", ";", <IDENT>.
17-Aug-2010 12:07:01 AM com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.DefaultCssErrorHandler warning
WARNING: CSS warning: null [1:4686] Ignoring the following declarations in this rule.
17-Aug-2010 12:07:01 AM com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.DefaultCssErrorHandler error
WARNING: CSS error: null [1:6505] Error in expression. Invalid token ";". Was expecting one of: <S>, <PLUS>, "-", <HASH>, <STRING>, <URI>, "inherit", <EMS>, <EXS>, <LENGTH_PX>, <LENGTH_CM>, <LENGTH_MM>, <LENGTH_IN>, <LENGTH_PT>, <LENGTH_PC>, <ANGLE_DEG>, <ANGLE_RAD>, <ANGLE_GRAD>, <TIME_MS>, <TIME_S>, <FREQ_HZ>, <FREQ_KHZ>, <DIMENSION>, <PERCENTAGE>, <NUMBER>, <FUNCTION>, <IDENT>.
Page title is: Cheese! - Google Search
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The answer given by zloiadun didn't work here, instead I had to use,

Logger logger = Logger.getLogger ("");
logger.setLevel (Level.OFF);

.. changing the getLogger( .. ) and level as needed.


Though none of these things worked for me, I found that I could shut HTMLUnit up by making a custom errorhandler... this is kinda cheesy... but it gives you excellent control should you need it:

        webClient.setCssErrorHandler(new ErrorHandler() {
        public void warning(CSSParseException arg0) throws CSSException {
            // stare blankly


        public void fatalError(CSSParseException arg0) throws CSSException {
            // twiddle thumbs


        public void error(CSSParseException arg0) throws CSSException {
            // drool on shirt


As discussed here: Can't turn off HtmlUnit logging messages

The following code worked best for me:

static {

Setting the property helps:

I did it in and piece of my build.xml, for instance:

<target name="selenium">
    <junit fork="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
        <sysproperty key="java.util.logging.config.file" value="WEB-INF/classes/" />

HtmlUnit uses the Commons Logging. You can refer here for more details.

As quick hint, you can disable warnings by setting the following system property:

System.getProperties().put("org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.defaultlog", "fatal");
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