
Has anyone been able to use Phpcassa in a Yii application. I have tried adding the phpcassa folder into the components which I have added to the config for auto loading but its not recognizing the phpcassa classes and they are not getting autoloaded.

I have used the phpcassa code in a standalone php file and it all works well so I know everythng is in place, just that I cant load the phpcassa classes in Yii.

Any help would be really appreciated.


I managed to get the necessary classes loaded. This may not be the right way but it works for me. I unloaded Yii autoload, added my classes and phpcassa autoloader like in the phpcassa examples and then registered the autoloaded again.

spl_autoload_unregister(array('YiiBase', 'autoload')); // Disable Yii autoloader
use phpcassa\Connection\ConnectionPool;
use phpcassa\ColumnFamily;
use phpcassa\ColumnSlice;
use phpcassa\SystemManager;
use phpcassa\Schema\StrategyClass;
spl_autoload_register(array('YiiBase', 'autoload')); 

Thanks for the help Chris

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The Applications components directory is autoloaded automatically, so you shouldn't need to change your config. I'm not familiar with phpcassa but things to check include:-

  • Is the filename identical to the classname?
  • Does phpcassa include sub-classes? These won't be auto-loaded by default.

edit: Hi, try using Yii::registerAutoloader in your bootstrap. With Zend, I use the code like this:-

require "Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php";
Yii::registerAutoloader(array('Zend_Loader_Autoloader',  'autoload'), true);
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