
In theory it seems that books sugest declaring ADT in C as:

struct some_structure;
typedef some_structure *some_structure_t;

while most code uses:

struct some_structure;
typedef some_structure some_structure_t;

I know that const is not working with the first style. Is this the only reason for real libraries not to use first approach? Any further notices or suggestions?

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you mean abstract data type? If I abstract ;-) from the syntax errors in your code snipsets, I think, yes typedef of pointer types is frowned upon because problems with const and volatile.

BTW, another problem with your code are the names you have chosen. _t as an ending is reserved for future use in POSIX.


An abstract data type is useful as a way of effectively performing actions on something like an "object".

If you can, in C, avoid the "typedef" keyword with structures altogether. It masks what is really happening. As a beginner I recommend you explicitly type struct AStruct wherever you would be tempted to use a typedef.

From there you perform an "action" on your "abstract data type" by declaring a function that takes a pointer to the "abstract data type" (or object, as I like to think) as the first parameter, and then the normal parameters afterwards.


int some_func( struct AStruct *pObject, int param1, int param2 ) {
  if ( ( param1 < 0 ) || ( param2 < 0 ) )
    return( 0 );
  pObject->val = param1 + param2;
  return( 1 );

Then to use:

#include <stdio.h>
int main( void ) {
  struct AStruct myObject;

  if ( some_func( &myObject, 10, 12 ) ) {
    printf( "Processed: %d\n", myObject.val );
  } else {
    printf( "Failed\n" );
  return( 0 );

It depends on what other people's code will do with those types. As a user of your library, if I assume that some_structure_t is a struct instead of a pointer to a struct, I might do something like this:

some_structure_t *p;

p = malloc( sizeof *p);
memcpy( p, &another_p, sizeof *p);

Maybe it's my background as an embedded programmer, but I want to know more about some_structure_t in my code that uses it. Even if it's a truly abstracted type, and it's only used as a parameter or return value in end-user code, you still have to deal with it in the library that supports the type. If I saw the following code, I'd do a double take:

some_structure_t some_function( some_structure_t foo)
    some_structure_t retval;

    retval = malloc( sizeof *retval);  // assigning pointer to struct?
    retval->member = foo->member;      // using -> instead of .?

    return retval;                     // returning potentially large structure on stack?

And maybe this is the biggest one -- copying from one some_structure_t to another. If it's an int or a float or a struct, writing foo = bar will make a copy. If some_structure_t is defined as a pointer to a struct, now foo and bar point to the same object. Maybe that's what you want, but it seems risky to me.

I wonder if MISRA has anything to say about typedefs that are pointers.

I use

typedef struct some_s *some_t;

and where it matters I either use const struct some_s* or typedef const struct some_s *const_some_t, but I guess that's a question of personal taste.

I used to go with the first style, but I found that I tended to get confused about the levels of indirection I needed to access structure members so I started adding suffixes to the pointer type e.g.

typedef struct AStruct *AStructRef;

But then I realised I was effectively reinventing the * operator in order to stop myself from being confused by my attempt to hide the * operator. So now I go with the second style.

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