
I have a 2D barcode generator making some barcodes on the (Java) backend. It gives me data URLs and I set them on the client side using Javascript. All works fine in Chrome, Firefox. But not in IE8 (of course!) although half of the images work and half don't work.

My images are a couple hundred bytes (so much less then 32kb)

Here is an example not working in IE8:


Here is an example working in IE8:


Here is a fiddle. JS fiddle doesn't work so good in IE8 so use this link to view the result directly.

If you got an idea about the cause of this problem please share :)

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For some reason the failing base64 decoded .png is invalid. If you download the image and re-save it the filesize is different.

I see 237 bytes for the original verses 409 for a re-saved copy.

This can be confirmed with the pngcheck tool.

Z:\pngcheck-2.3.0>pngcheck.exe original.png
original.png  EOF while reading CRC value
ERROR: original.png

Z:\pngcheck-2.3.0>pngcheck.exe re-saved.png
OK: re-saved.png (24x24, 32-bit RGB+alpha, non-interlaced, 82.2%).

Using the following valid re-saved.png base64 encoded data fixes the problem in IE8.


I assume Chrome and Firefox are more lenient with the CRC.

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