
Hi ive just hear about an error in cakephp that allows sql inyection;

I was trying to test my site using sqlmap, but i cant find how to specify the params.

The url i am testing is;

And the parameters i want to sqlmap inyect are in the url (page:,sort:,direction:)

I have try to run;

python -u ""

But nothing... Any clue? Thanks!

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In CakePHP there are passed arguments, named parameters, and querystring parameters.

Passed arguments look like .../index/arg are accessed with $this->request->pass[0], where '0' is the array index. Named parameters look like .../index/key:value and are accessed with $this->request->named['key']. Querystring parameters look like ̀.../index?key=valueand are accessed with$this->request->query['key']`.

Your URL uses named parameters so it should look like this (without the question mark):


Since CakePHP uses mod_rewrite, you have to specify the parameters as explained in the sqlmap wiki.

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