
This is the class I'm trying to test (it calculates the size of HTTP page):

import com.sun.jersey.api.client.*;
public class Loader {
  private Client client;
  public Loader(Client c) {
    this.client = c;
  public Integer getLength(URI uri) throws Exception {
    return c.resource(uri) // returns WebResource
      .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) // returns WebResource.Builder
      .get(String.class) // returns String

Of course it just an example, not a real-life solution. Now I'm trying to test this class:

public class LoaderTest {
  @Test public void shouldCalculateLength() throws Exception {
    String mockPage = "test page"; // length is 9
    Client mockedClient = /* ??? */;
    Loader mockedLoader = new Loader(mockedClient);
      mockedLoader.getLength(new URI(""))

How should I mock com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client class? I'm trying to use Mockito, but any other framework will be OK, since I'm a newbie here..

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You example is really complex, i wasnt able to run it with newest version of jersey, so i created those classes and here is how i mock it with EasyMock.

String mockPage = "test page"; // length is 9

RequestBuilder requestBuilderMock = createNiceControl().createMock(RequestBuilder.class); expect(requestBuilderMock.get((Class < String >) anyObject())).andReturn("12345678").anyTimes(); replay(requestBuilderMock);

WebResource webResourcemock = createNiceControl().createMock(WebResource.class); expect(webResourcemock.accept((String[]) anyObject())).andReturn(requestBuilderMock).anyTimes(); replay(webResourcemock);

Client clientMock = createNiceControl().createMock(Client.class); expect(clientMock.resource((URI) anyObject())).andReturn(webResourcemock).anyTimes(); replay(clientMock);

Loader mockedLoader = new Loader(clientMock); assertEquals((Integer) mockPage.length(), mockedLoader.getLength(new URI("")));

If any of classes that you are trying to mock doesnt have default constructor then you should use


Not really related to your question, but may come in handy later, is the Jersey Test Framework. Check out these blog entries by one of the Jersey contributors;

Back on topic, to test your Loader class you can simply instantiate it with a Client obtained from Client.create(). If you are using Maven you can create a dummy test endpoint (in src/test/java) to call and the Jersey Test framework will load it in Jetty.

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