
I have develop an Android application using YouTube Android API. Now I need my application to be able to run in Google TV devices. But my application does not work in Google TV device/Emulator. So I try the sample application which comes with YouTube library. even its not working in Google TV.

Is YouTube Android API really compatible with Google TV ? If so why it is not working in Google TV ?

My logcat out put says media player error during the playback.

YouTubeAndroidPlayerAPI : MediaPlayer error during playback [what=1, extra=-2147483648]
YouTubeAndroidPlayerAPI : Retrying MediaPlayer error [retry=3, max=3]
AwesomePlayer           : setDataSource_l(',itag,source,uaopt,upn,ip,ipbits,expire&signature=5AC58E1E3D89EB15227C062654CBA43017C92F4A.46152ACA146CC324100BBED7DC27C8C234614D35&key=yta2&dnc=1')
NuHTTPDataSource        : connect to,itag,source,uaopt,upn,ip,ipbits,expire&signature=5AC58E1E3D89EB15227C062654CBA43017C92F4A.46152ACA146CC324100BBED7DC27C8C234614D35&key=yta2&dnc=1 @0
AwesomePlayer           : reset
AwesomePlayer           : cancel player events
AudioService            : AudioFocus  abandonAudioFocus() from
AwesomePlayer           : video decoder shutdown completed

FYI : AwesomePlayer is not a tag defined by me.

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Yes, it does work on Google TV, but you need to have version 1.6 (4845) of the YouTube app (or higher).

All of the YouTube API sample apps work on GTV:

You can play HD videos using the YouTube API which looks great on a TV.

I have open-sourced a GTV app that uses the YouTube API:

The app shows a video wall of thumbnail images for videos in a YouTube playlist. One of the thumbnails will flip over and begin playing a video from the playlist, which will play until it finishes. After that, the video will be replaced with a thumnbail, and a different thumbnail will flip over to play another video.


I don't have a Google TV device to test it, but should work on that device.

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