
How may I clone/mirror a SVN repository that has no svn:// access but does have a private(forum-login) WebSVN viewer?

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This was back when I wanted to clone The Forgotten Server private repo on

This is no longer possible because the repo no longer exists.


svn:// access, http:// access - its all the same, one gets passed through svnserve the other gets apssed through apache and mod_svn.

So to clone, you can use svnhotcopy, or svnsync. I like svnsync best as it will incrementally pull down changes - there's plenty of answers on SO describing how to set it up.

Soon there will be a svnadmin rdump which will remotely dump a repository but that'd not quite released yet. You could get it from the very latest svn repository and try it if you wanted to experiment.

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