
I am currently developing some extensions to use within TYPO3 6.

In one view I have database records with date fields. I can output the date values with the following:

< format="d.m.Y H:i:s">{record.validend}</>

However, I need a translated message, so I would like to use the translate view helper and put the formatted date in the arguments attribute. Without succes so far.

I tried:

<f:translate key="{msg_id}" arguments="{0: code, 1: { record.validend, format: 'd.m.Y H:i:s')}}" htmlEscape="0" />


<f:translate key="{msg_id}" arguments="{0: code, 1: {record.validend -> 'd.m.Y H:i:s')}}" htmlEscape="0" />

…following this guide:

However, there seems to be some syntax error in my notation forcing fluid to interpret the whole thing as a string, resulting in an error, cause the arguments attribut is expected to be an array.

Could anyone tell me if what I want is possible, and what syntax I need?

best regards


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You need to escape the quotes of format with backslashes.

The solution is:

<f:translate key="{msg_id}" arguments="{0: code, 1: '{ record.validend, format: \'d.m.Y H:i:s\')}'}" htmlEscape="false" />


The right way to use as variable is:

{ : 'd-m-Y H:i:s', date : '@1368093280')}

I tested your request and it seems that it isnt possible to call a ViewHelper inside the argument arguments of a ViewHelper.

So you should try something else like a custom ViewHelper or format your date in the controller so you have a variable that contains the formatted date:

{f:translate(key :, arguments : {0 :})}
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