
I have cucumber feature

Given I am on my domain page
When I press "send data to external domain"
Then I should be on the externel domain page

In production and development enviroments "My domain page" ( redirects user to "external domain page" ( But in test enviroment cucumber cut off domain part of url:

Redirected to
Completed 302 Found in 17895ms

Started GET "/page" for at 2010-10-11 19:06:48 +0400
  SQL (72.0ms)  ROLLBACK

Is it possible to set up cucumber to redirect to various domain, not only current server domain?

P.S. Cucumber + Capybara + Rails + Rspec

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There are many ways to do such thing (Selenium, Culerity and etc...). Best way is using capybara-mechanize, the RackTest driver for Capybara with remote request support. This is very cool tool!

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