
I would like my Google spreadsheet to automatically apply formulas found in cells F2 to H2 to all new, form-inserted rows. You can view the spreadsheet here.

The formulas are:

F2: =IF(B2, "I"&B2,"--")

G2: =vlookup(C2,SectionID!$A$2:$B$13,2,FALSE)

H2: =vlookup(D2,ReporterID!$A$2:$B$12,2, FALSE)

I have tried manually applying the formulas to rows 3 to 10, but when a form is submitted, the data is added to newly created rows which do not contain the formulas. (Form data is submitted to columns A to E.)

Feel free to make changes to the spreadsheet.

Thank you for your help.

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You will need to either use a script to populate the formulae on form submission, or use the out-of-the-box solution which is an array formula:




Here is a bit of discussion about the trick involved in converting VLOOKUP to iterate down an array.

You can also invoke formulae in row 1 to populate the headers as well, which mitigates against the scenario where a row might be inserted above row 2:




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