
I'm having an issue when trying to save strings with accents.

Our online system is used by clients from different countries, so some of our clients use accents.

When doing a request to get the value to save like this

$value = trim(strip_tags(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['value'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')));

It saves the value in this way


If instead of htmlspecialchars I use htmlentities it saves like this


The correct string I'm trying to save is

I need this to be saved correctly so it can be displayed correctly on screens and reports.

Our db uses UTF-16 (MS SQL Server), and I'm declaring the meta tags to use UTF-8 on the page like this

<meta charset='utf-8'>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>

This is how the connection looks:

$link = sqlsrv_connect($dbserver, array(
    'UID' => $uid,
    'PWD' => $pwd,
    'CharacterSet' => 'UTF-8'
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After some trial and error, this is the solution I've found.

sqlsrv_connect does by default a connection pooling, so the connection remains in the application pool.

By default, the sqlsrv_connect() uses connection pooling to improve connection performance. To turn off connection pooling (i.e. force a new connection on each call), set the "ConnectionPooling" option in the $connectionOptions array to 0 (or FALSE). For more information, see » SQLSRV Connection Pooling.

From PHP Manual - sqlsrv_connect

My connection used to be like this

$link = sqlsrv_connect($dbserver, array(
    'UID' => $uid,
    'PWD' => $pwd

Without the characterset.

Even after I added the characterset to the connection, I still experienced this errors.

This is my connection now.

$link = sqlsrv_connect($dbserver, array(
    'UID' => $uid,
    'PWD' => $pwd,
    'CharacterSet' => 'UTF-8'

After I forced the browser to use UTF-8 by using the meta tags it was saving correctly to the db but displaying incorrectly. This was because I was encoding to UTF-8 twice, I then removed the second encoding when displaying.

After all this I did an IIS Reset to reset the application pool, and forced on the scripts to close the connection after processing like this:

// Close the connection.
sqlsrv_close( $linkEventlogic );

It now works correctly.


Your way looks good, try:

$string = "\* this is test string *\";
echo utf8_encode($string);


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