
I'm using Sublime Text 2 with the Emmet plug-in.

This is the target HTML:


This is my current snippet :


Which off course does not add the <body> element.

I tried using the sibling abbreviation at the end like this:


However, the <body> tag is now added as a sibling to the <title> element instead of the <head> element.

How can I update my snippet so it adds the sibling to the parent element instead?

Was it helpful?

Solution 2

Here is the Solution.


Hope this helps.


I know this was answered now and I have accepted the first answer which worked for me but for completness I wanted to add the link to the actual documentation I finally found as well as another alternative to the grouping abbreviation.

As I didn't know what the character commands were called I was unable to find the documentation on them at first.

However, after some extended research (thank you google) I finally found that they are called abbreviations.
Ones I found that I was also able to find the abbreviation syntax documentation quite quickly.

After reading the documentation I found that there was 2 ways of solving my problem.

I can use the Climb-up abbreviation ^, similar to this:


Or I can use the Grouping abbreviation () to group your sets and then use the standard Sibling abbreviation + as usual, similar to this:


Using the grouping abbreviation was also what Nathan Lee's answer suggested and which I accepted.

Both will generate this output:



If there is any benefit in using one of the other I don't know.

try this


Fastest way is to use html:5 within the Koan line (bottom line). That translates to:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
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