
If you're using language prefix in URL mappings such as


and the URLs you are generating contain parameters in addition to the lang parameter, you'll get the following URL, for an additional param such as offset:


but this breaks my mappings. Instead, I want the URL to look like this:


How can I achieve that?

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Create the following bean (assuming that your lang param is called "lang"):

class LangAwareUrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean extends UrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean {

    public UrlMappingsHolder getObject() throws Exception {
        def obj = super.object
        obj.DEFAULT_CONTROLLER_PARAMS = [UrlMapping.CONTROLLER, UrlMapping.ACTION,     "lang"] as Set

And adjust the resources.groovy:

"org.grails.internal.URL_MAPPINGS_HOLDER"(LangAwareUrlMappingsHolderFactoryBean) { bean ->
    bean.lazyInit = true

And you'll get


instead of

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