
I have been following the lessons on HTML and CSS provided by Jeffery Way on Tuts+:

I got to the video on Zen Coding:

I tried installing Zen Code to Sublime Text 2 but couldn't get it to work. I looked around on the web and found Emmet, which seemed like the new best thing. So I installed through the Command Pallete>"Package Install">"Emmet". It works great, the only issue is a snippet I used before is overwritten by Emmet.

The Snippet I used:

<li type="square">${1:Item} ${2:}

li + Tab would trigger:

<li type="square">

Is there a way for me to add this to Emmet in Sublime Text 2? Or use Emmet to accomplish this tag? I found this guide to Emmet tabtriggers, but could not find this one:

Was it helpful?


You can either create your own snippet in Emmet:

...or disable li snippet from being handled by Emmet:

...or disable Emmet tab trigger and use Ctrl+E:

...or rename your ST snippet to something like li2, lit, etc.

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