
I run some TAP Tests using TAP::Formatter::HTML.

This CPAN module generates beautiful dynamic HTML Reports, but I want to use the number of passed tests, failed tests etc - to insert them into a database after all tests completed.

The code below does not work. It prints nothing to the console. I admit, for lines 10 and after, I just have slapped together some code from the POD descriptions of the TAP::* classes.

Before I dive into the source code of Aggregator, Harmess or Formatter classes and subclasses, I better ask:

does anyone here know how to make this code work?

    my $cons = TAP::Formatter::Console->new();
    my $fmt = TAP::Formatter::HTML->new;

    $fmt->css_uris( \@css_uris )->inline_css($my_css)->js_uris($js_uris)->inline_js($inline_js);

    my $harness = TAP::Harness->new( { formatter => $fmt, merge => 1 } );

    $harness->test_args(["--browser=$browser", "--config=$config"]);
    my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new;

#    $harness->aggregate_tests( $aggregator, @tests );
#    print $fmt->summary($aggregator);
    my $txt = $cons->summary( $aggregator ); 
    my $summary = <<'END_SUMMARY';
    Passed:  %s
    Failed:  %s
    Unexpectedly succeeded: %s
    printf $summary,
           scalar $aggregator->passed,
           scalar $aggregator->failed,
           scalar $aggregator->todo_passed;

    #$failcount = sprintf("%03d", $harness->failures());
    print "summary: $txt\n";
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Why not get the test data from the same source TAP::Formatter::HTML does? It is probably inspecting the Test::Builder object and getting the test statistics from there. The Test::Builder object is a singleton, so it is pretty easy to request a copy of it after your tests have been done and extract the data from it for DB insertion, at about the same time the pretty HTML reports are generated.


Answering my own question:

   my $harness = TAP::Harness->new( { formatter => $fmt, merge => 1 } );
    $harness->test_args( [ "--browser=$browser", "--config=$h{config}" ] );
    my $agg = $harness->runtests(@tests);
    my $summary = <<'END_SUMMARY';
    Passed:    %s
    Failed:    %s
    Unexpectedly succeeded: %s
    To do:     %s
    Skipped:   %s
    Planned:   %s
    printf $summary, scalar $agg->passed,
           scalar $agg->failed,
           scalar $agg->todo_passed,
         scalar $agg->todo  ,
         scalar $agg->todo_passed,
         scalar $agg->skipped,
         scalar $agg->planned;

All I had to do was using the return value of runtests.

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