
I am looking for an open source issue tracker with

  • Multiple projects
  • Wiki
  • Web API to integrate with CRM and other clients
  • Optionally Extendible via custom plugins or modules
  • Preferably written in PHP or Python. I am okay with other languages as long as it works on Unix/Linux
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I've happily used Trac and Redmine for various personal projects.

Trac is written in Python while Redmine is written in Ruby (leveraging the Rails framework).

Redmine has built-in multiple project feature while Trac planned supporting it in 0.12 (already available in a branch).

You would also have to make your choice depending on the SCM you're planning to use:

  • Redmine supports SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs
  • Trac supports SVN and Mercurial (support for Git available with a plugin available on Trac Hacks).


I used Bugzilla at another job a few years ago, but I think it's only bug tracking.

Where I'm at now, we use FogBugz and it allows you to track cases, has wiki capabilities and even integrates with source control software. I believe there is a plugin architecture, but I haven't really looked at it.

However, I think it only programmed in ASP which most likely means IIS unless the Mono project has an ASP compatibility mode.

For my personal projects, where I'm the only developer (and in many cases the only user), I have a self-made issue tracker that I made years ago, when the only big name in (free)issue trackers was Bugzilla, which I didn't like.

For a new multideveloper project I'm working on, we're using Redmine. It's written in Ruby (on Rails) but it's easy to set up on Linux, supports a host of source control systems, has plugins and a wiki (including plugins to change the wiki syntax; I wrote one to do Mediawiki-style syntax since it was more familiar to the people using it). I don't know about it's API/integration but with plugins, odds are you can either find or write something to do what you need.

I asked this question about eleven months ago. I have been using Redmine and am pleased with the results. At the time of posting the question, Redmine didn't have an HTTP API, now it does. I have also recommended Redmine to others.

The reasons I like Redmine are:

  1. Support for multiple projects
  2. Integrated issue tracker, wiki, repository browser, forum and news feeds

I used trac for quite some time for a team of 4 developers. It worked well for us and provides most of the features you are looking for (integrations, wiki).

Other than that, you should look into Redmine and OTRS.

This article also gives a good review on the best open source bug trackers.

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