
I'm having a small problem with my setup. I'm quite new to the Django world so bear with me.

A friend who is familiar has set up a VPS (Ubuntu) for my project.

I'm now on my own trying to add a new module (south) so I can use migrate

When the virtualenv was deactivated I installed the module

$ sudo pip -E /var/www/env/ install south
$ touch /var/www/sites/
$ source /var/www/env/

It appeared to go fine

$ yolk -l

I see the south module.

at which point I run on my site

$ python syncdb
$ python migrate

I get this error though:

$ python migrate
Unknown command: 'migrate'
Type ' help' for usage.

I don't have a full understanding of what I'm doing but I'm willing to learn.

Maybe someone could point me in the right direction? Am I missing something?

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You still have to add "south" to your INSTALLED_APPS list in your project's settings module. Django doesn't use south just because it is installed in the PYTHONPATH :-)

This has nothing to do with the rest of your server setup but just how you configure Django itself.

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