
I wonder if it is possible somehow optimize dotproduts and array casting in this part of code in numpy, which according to profiler takes 95% of runtime of my code. (I don't want to use f2py, cython or pyOpenCl, I'm just learning how to use numpy effectively )

def evalSeriesInBasi(a,B):
    Y   = dot(a,B[0])
    dY  = dot(a,B[1])
    ddY = dot(a,B[2]) 
    return array([Y,dY,ddY])

def evalPolarForces( R, O ):
    # numexpr doest seem to help it takes 3,644 vs. 1.910 with pure numpy
    G    = 1.0 / (R[0]**2)                     # Gravitational force
    F_O  = R[0] * O[2]     + 2 * R[1] * O[1]   # Angular Kinematic Force = Angular engine thrust 
    F_R  = R[0] * O[1]**2  +     R[2]          
    FTR  = F_R - G                             
    FT2  = F_O**2 + FTR**2                     # Square of Total engine Trust Force ( corespons to propelant consuption for power limited variable specific impulse engine)
    return array([F_O,F_R,G,FTR, FT2]) 

def evalTrajectoryPolar( Rt0, Ot0, Bs, Rc, Oc ):
    Rt = Rt0 +  evalSeriesInBasi(Rc,Bs)
    Ot = Ot0 +  evalSeriesInBasi(Oc,Bs)
    Ft = evalPolarForces( Rt, Ot )
    return Ot, Rt, Ft

where "B" is array of shape (3,32,128) where basis functions are stored, "a" are coefficients of these basis functions and all other arrays like Y,dY,ddY, F_O,F_R,G,FTR, FT2 are values of some function at 128 sampling points

according to profiler the most time takes numpy.core.multiarray.array and

 ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
22970    2.969    0.000    2.969    0.000 {numpy.core.multiarray.array}
46573    0.926    0.000    0.926    0.000 {}
 7656    0.714    0.000    2.027    0.000
 7656    0.224    0.000    0.273    0.000
 7656    0.192    0.000    4.868    0.001
  116    0.141    0.001    5.352    0.046
 7656    0.132    0.000    5.273    0.001
15312    0.101    0.000    2.649    0.000 
Was it helpful?


You can speedup the calculation by removing array() calls, here is an example:

import numpy as np

B = np.random.rand(3, 32, 128)
a = np.random.rand(32, 32)

def f1(a, B):
    Y   = dot(a,B[0])
    dY  = dot(a,B[1])
    ddY = dot(a,B[2]) 
    return array([Y,dY,ddY])

def f2(a, B):
    result = np.empty((B.shape[0], a.shape[0], B.shape[-1]))
    for i in xrange(B.shape[0]):, B[i], result[i])
    return result

r1 = f1(a, B)
r2 = f2(a, B)
print np.allclose(r1, r2)

The result of f1() and f2() is the same, but the speed if different:

%timeit f1(a, B)
%timeit f2(a, B)

Result is:

1000 loops, best of 3: 1.34 ms per loop
10000 loops, best of 3: 135 µs per loop


How about:

def f3(a, B):
    r =, B)
    return np.rollaxis(r, 1)
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