
I have a class that is already extending TabActivity so i can't extend ListActivity.

This hasn't be a problem until i needed to use this method:

private static int[] TO = {,, };
private void showBudgetOutcome(Cursor cursor) {
//Set up data binding 
SimpleCursorAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(
this, R.layout.itemsforbudgetlist, cursor, FROM, TO);


Obviously setListAdapter is undefined. Now i found this snippet of code searching SO

mListView.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.list_item, COUNTRIES));

But i don't really understand the parameters. I tried altering it to suit me:

incomeView.setAdapter(new SimpleCursorAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.itemsforbudgetlist, adapter??));

I see that mListView is just the users ListView so i replaced that, and the layout resource defining how each item in the list looks i guess. But the rest i'm not sure about. I figure maybe i want a Simple/CursorAdapter since i'm working with sqlite (see my method)? but i have no idea what COUNTRIES is meant to be and not sure what data type i need (presumably string but what do i know). So if someone could clear things up for me and tell me how to use it with my method above i'd be really greatful!

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If you want to pull your data from a database you need to subclass CursorAdapter. Then you can just call:

incomeView.setAdapter(new MyCursorAdapter(WhatEver arguments, You need));
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