
I have created an iPhone application. Using this application, I can able to record my voice and able to play that recorded file. But if I select a music file from library, it is not playing.

// sample code that I have used in my application

self.player = [MPMusicPlayerController applicationMusicPlayer];
MPMediaPropertyPredicate *songNamePredicate = [MPMediaPropertyPredicate predicateWithValue: self.songName forProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyTitle];
MPMediaQuery *mySongQuery = [[MPMediaQuery alloc] init];
[mySongQuery addFilterPredicate: songNamePredicate];
[player setQueueWithQuery:mySongQuery];
[player play];

Please help me to resolve it.

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MPMediaPropertyPredicate *songNamePredicate = [MPMediaPropertyPredicate predicateWithValue: self.songName forProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyTitle];


MPMediaPropertyPredicate *songNamePredicate = [MPMediaPropertyPredicate predicateWithValue:self.songName forProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyTitle comparisonType:MPMediaPredicateComparisonContains];

also what is the value of the query result

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