
My navigation controller is organized this way:

FirstViewController -> SecondViewController -> ThirdViewController

in the First I do a search on the web and I display the result in a UITableView when I select a cell I push to the Second where I do another search based on key previously pressed and I display some information and a button for "more info" when I press the button I push to the Third view and this works fine...

The problem is when I press two times the back button for doing another search: when I arrive at the third view I display every time the informations about the first search!

this is because I do the display of information in loadView and this is called only the first time, right?

How should I do?

thank you!

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Indeed viewDidShow is called after the view has been loaded and created from the NIB file. This means you should only use that method to do initialization stuff.

Add a new method and call it everytime you have new results:

- (void) updateAndShowResults
    // Code to update third view goes here
    // and is always called whenever some new results are available

You'd call it from the first or second view controller like this:

[thirdView updateAndShowResults];

Hope that helps. Please mark the best answer by clicking the "√" on the left! Thanks.


You can clean up the the ThirdViewController in viewdidunload.

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