
In the view

@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = 1, year = 1 }) 

In the controller

// GET: /Forecasts/Edit/5
public ActionResult Edit(int id, short year)

It generated a url like


I would expect the actionlink generate a URL like : http://<localhost>/controllername/actionname/?id=1&year=1

This url cannot be interpreted by MVC default routing, why the URL is not generated in the expected way? Thanks.

Update: Now I found out it was a typo caused this problem for me, but the answer below is still good enough as it help me to further understand the way route works

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You are using the default route, which will be formatted like this:


Which means the first parameter will be id and will be written just after the /, without any named GET parameter.

If you want to have explicit parameters everywhere, just use this route configuration:


If you remove the id all your parameters will be named.


I would expect the actionlink generate a URL like : http://<localhost>/controllername/actionname/?id=1&year=1

You cannot expect something like this if you are using the default route:

    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Get rid of the {id} from the if you expect such url pattern:

    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" }
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