
So, I am pretty unfamiliar with windows forms development.

I'm trying to create a "hey I'm busy doing stuff" component that just spins a shape around. I want this control to be transient and draw on top of any other controls. The class inherits directly from Control.

So I have this in the constructor:

SetStyle(ControlStyles.Opaque, true);

and this:

protected override CreateParams CreateParams
        CreateParams parms = base.CreateParams;
        parms.ExStyle |= 0x20; 
        return parms;

Which gets me a control that will draw on top of other controls.

Now my problem is this. I repaint the control a few times a second to give the appearane of a smooth animation. However, I can't figure out how to clear what was drawn in the previous frame. Using e.Graphics.Clear(Color.Transparent) in OnPaint turns the whole control black.

Is there a way to just clear the drawn contents of a control?

I've noticed that Resizing the the control will clear the background.

Things that Don't Work

  1. Overriding OnPaintBackground to do nothing. Or just calling base.OnPaintBackground. Same results.
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Okay, I found the solution here:

The Parent controls actually must be invalidated in order to retain the transparent background.


You may have to override OnPaintBackground that this article presents:

You may also need to Invalidate the control when it needs to be cleared to force OnPaintBackground to be called.

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