
I'm animating a CALayer's opacity-property with the following code:

Creating the animation in a method:

+ (CABasicAnimation *)fadeIn:(float)begin duration:(float)duration remove:(BOOL)remove{

    CABasicAnimation *fadeAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"opacity"];
    fadeAnimation.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0];
    fadeAnimation.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0];
    fadeAnimation.additive = NO;
    fadeAnimation.removedOnCompletion = remove;
    fadeAnimation.beginTime = begin;
    fadeAnimation.duration = duration;
    fadeAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeBoth;

    return fadeAnimation;

Adding the animation to the layer:

[overlayLayer addAnimation:[VideoComposerHelpers fadeIn:1.0 duration:0.5 remove:NO] forKey:nil];

This is working perfect. However, now I want to add another animation to the same layer, right after the first animation finished.

[overlayLayer addAnimation:[VideoComposerHelpers fadeOut:1.5 duration:0.5 remove:NO] forKey:nil]; // fadeOut is a method similar to fadeIn

What should happen is, the layer fades in with a duration of 0.5 and right after that, it fades out with a duration of 0.5. This doesn't seem to work, though. Is it because the start point of the second animation is the same as the end point of the first one?

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You should use a CAAnimationGroup something like this:

CABasicAnimation *fadeIn  = [VideoComposerHelpers fadeIn:1.0 duration:0.5 remove:NO];
CABasicAnimation *fadeOut = [VideoComposerHelpers fadeOut:1.5 duration:0.5 remove:NO];

CAAnimationGroup *group = [CAAnimationGroup animation];
group.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
group.removedOnCompletion = NO;
[group setAnimations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:fadeIn, fadeOut, nil]];
group.duration = 2;
[overlayLayer addAnimation:group forKey:@"savingAnimation"];

Also I'm not sure if I get the right values vor start, end, duration of the animations (you should check them) :)).


A CABasicAnimation can have a delegate. The delegate will be sent animationDidStop:finished:. Now you can ask for the next animation in the chain.

In your case, though, you don't even need that; just use an animation where autoreverses is YES.

(Oh, and do not mess with removedOnCompletion and fillMode; that's just wrong, and examples that use them are equally wrong. They are needed only in the middle complex grouped animations.)

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