
I have a simple manager object, and using mocks in kiwi, I want to check that when I call [aPOIManager fetchNear:location] it calls downloadPOIsNear:completionBlock: on its downloader.

Everything worked fine until I decided to dispatch the call to the downloader inside a grand central dispatch.

The call being asynchronous, the test now fails. Kiwi has a feature to check asynchronously some value, but not to check for asynchronous calls .

Here is part of my test :

it(@"should call the proximity downloader", ^{

      CLLocation *location = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:1.0f longitude:1.0f];

      id<RMProximityDownloader> mockDownloader =
      [KWMock mockForProtocol:@protocol(RMProximityDownloader)];

      [[(NSObject*)mockDownloader should] receive:@selector(downloadPOIsNear:completionBlock:)];

      RMPOIManager *aPOIManager = [[RMPOIManager alloc] initWithDownloader:mockDownloader];

      [aPOIManager fetchNear:location];
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Try this:

[[(NSObject*)mockDownloader shouldEventually] receive:@selector(downloadPOIsNear:completionBlock:)];

You can also use shouldEventuallyBeforeTimingOutAfter(seconds) if needed.

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