
I have a filelist of about 25 files. I need to execute a certain phing target when the modification time of one of these files has changed. What is the best way to do this?

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If you're after cross-platform then I guess you could try something like the Node.js beholder or hound to spawn a command line exec for Phing. Alternatively there are a few C++ cross-platform watcher libraries around if you want to roll your own.


Extend phing by writing your own task. Something like this one which uses filesets. Limited to watching files for changes only.


    Example target:

    <target name="mytarget">
      <react refresh="1.7" cmd="">
        <fileset dir=".">
            <include name="*.txt" />

    Will call script when a txt file has changed in the current
    directory every 1.7 seconds.

    $Id: ReactTask.php 123 2013-07-22 08:16:26Z gregory.vincic $
require_once "phing/Task.php";

class ReactTask extends Task {

    /** Command to execute */
    private $cmd = null;

    public function setCmd($str) {
      $this->cmd = $str;

    /** Refresh time in microseconds, defaults to 1 second. */
    private $refresh = 1000000;

    public function setRefresh($str) {
        if($str != null && is_numeric($str)) {
            $this->refresh = $str*1000000;

    /** Any filesets of files that should be appended. */
    private $filesets = array();

    function createFileSet() {
        $num = array_push($this->filesets, new FileSet());
        return $this->filesets[$num-1];

    /** Uses phps passthru to execute the configured command every X seconds */
    public function main() {
        $lastmtime = null;
        $this->log("Refreshing every " . $this->refresh/1000000 . " seconds.\n", Project::MSG_WARN);
        while(1) {
            $mtimes = $this->rlist();
            if(count($mtimes) > 0 && max($mtimes) > $lastmtime) {
                $lastmtime = max($mtimes); 

    /** Lists modification times of all the files defined by your filesets. */
    private function rlist() {
        $res = array();
        foreach($this->filesets as $fs) {
            try {
                $files = $fs->getDirectoryScanner($this->project)->getIncludedFiles();
                foreach ($files as $file) {
                    $path = $fs->dir . "/" . $file;
                    $res[] = filemtime($path);
            } catch (BuildException $be) {
                $this->log($be->getMessage(), Project::MSG_WARN);
        return $res;

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