
Given an inline JQuery UI datepicker, I want to change the background colors of individual dates. So I want to be able to set "October 5th, 2009" to green and "11/6/209" to red. How could I do this in JQuery and as the datepicker is scrolled month to month what event would I catch to update the background colors of individual dates?

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    flat: true,
    date: ['2008-07-31', '2008-07-28'],
    current: '2008-07-31',
    format: 'Y-m-d',
    calendars: 1,
    mode: 'multiple',
    onRender: function(date) {
        return {
            disabled: (date.valueOf() < now.valueOf()),
            className: date.valueOf() == now2.valueOf() ? 'datepickerSpecial' : false
    starts: 0

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