
I was messing around with JAX-RS and made an application which calls REST services which produce JSON. I tried Jersey and everything went fine, but I had to switch to RESTEasy as my application needs to be built with JDK5. I changed my web.xml to something like this:



<!-- ... -->

So I expect every URL starting with /rest to be handled by RESTEasy. My services are as follows:

public class MyRESTServices {

    public Object service1(Blah blah) {


This worked fine using Jersey, http://localhost/MyContext/rest/services/service1 was bound to my service1() method. When I change to RESTEasy, though, I had a 404:

HTTP Status 404 - Could not find resource for relative : /rest/services/service1 of full path: http://localhost/MyContext/rest/services/service1

Which means that RESTEasy handled the request but could not find any service bound to this URL.

On my class, changing @Path("/services") to @Path("/rest/services") worked, though. Do you have any idea why I got this strange behaviour? All the tutorials/docs I read mentionned only relative paths, not including the /rest prefix...

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Solution: add the following in your web.xml


Where /rest is the beginning of your <url-pattern>/rest/*</url-pattern>



On JBoss AS 7.1 I also had to add to add resteasy.resources ... which is further explained here You may get error like this : Could not find resource for relative : /application/test of full path:... You have to define resteasy.resource context param with the full path of Rest class.

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