
I have a Rails action which responds with head :ok, rather than rendering any content. I'm calling this action using RestClient, like so:

resp ="#{api_server_url}/action/path", {:param_1 => thing, :param_2 => other_thing}, :authorization => auth)

The Rails server log shows that this worked as expected:

Completed 200 OK in 78ms (ActiveRecord: 21.3ms)

However, the resulting value of resp is the string " ", rather than an object I can examine (to see what its status code is, for instance).

I tried changing the action to use head :created instead, just to see if it produced a different result, but it's the same: " ".

How can I get the status code of this response?

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Solution returns an instance of the class RestClient::Response that inherits from the String class.

You can still check the return code by calling the method code resp.code. Other methods are for example resp.headers and resp.cookies.

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