
I've got this error while running the demo of the gWidgets2Qt package:

> demo(gWidgets2Qt)

    ---- ~~~~~~~~~~~

Type  <Return>   to start : 

> ## run examples
> require(gWidgets2)

> options(guiToolkit="Qt")

> ## run examples
> source(system.file("examples", "run_examples.R", package="gWidgets2"))
Error in envRefSetField(x, what, refObjectClass(x), selfEnv, value) : 
  ‘.visible’ is not a field in class “GWindow”

please check also this question I've just asked for session info and a similar error I've got with the cranvas package which I think might be related to the above. Thanks a lot.


following the tips from @jverzani I tried a simple code which worked. Then I did some tests:

I get this when detaching the package

detach("package:gWidgets2Qt", unload=TRUE)
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: In FUN(X[[2L]], ...) :
  Created a package name, ‘2013-05-23 07:40:37’, when none found

Tried to re-load and run the demo but still didn't work I restarted ubuntu and tried again


it run correctly, I only get error with the ex-graphics.R example which fails to run with this error at the first attempt:

Error in qsceneDevice(width, height, pointsize, family, the_scene) : 
  unused argument (the_scene)
In addition: Warning message:
In .removePreviousCoerce(class1, class2, where, prevIs) :
  methods currently exist for coercing from “AlternativeSingleEnum” to “character”; they will be replaced.
Error in qinvoke(<environment>, "initScene", ...) : 
  Implementation failed for method 'R::gWidgets2Qt::QtDevice::initScene'

and this one at the next attmpts:

Error in qsceneDevice(width, height, pointsize, family, the_scene) : 
  unused argument (the_scene)
Error in qinvoke(<environment>, "initScene", ...) : 
  Implementation failed for method 'R::gWidgets2Qt::QtDevice::initScene'

But all the other examples work. However, as soon as I load cranvas, with

> library(cranvas)

Attaching package: ‘cranvas’

The following object is masked from ‘package:gWidgets2’:

    visible, visible<-

demo(gWidgets2Qt) fails again and detaching cranvas

> detach("package:cranvas", unload=TRUE)
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> warnings()
Warning messages:
1: In FUN(X[[2L]], ...) :
  Created a package name, ‘2013-05-23 08:37:43’, when none found

demo(gWidgets2Qt) runs again. Has been this incompatibility already seen? Is this depending on invisible being masked from gWidgets2?

Was it helpful?


I'm not sure why this isn't working. I just installed the whole thing (qtbase, qtutils, gWidgets2, gWidget2Qt) on a linux setup and the demo starts. The ones involving graphs don't really work, but the basic demo does. To see if everything is working, try with something simple:

w <- gwindow("something simple")
b <- gbutton("click me", container=w)
addHandlerChanged(b, handler=function(h,...) {
  gmessage("Hello world", parent=w)

If that doesn't work then there are installation issues

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