
Background: I'm using the middleware django-multihost ( to allow my single django app to respond to different hostnames from the same project. The middleware changes the ROOT_URLCONF (i.e. which file) based on the Host: HTTP request header.

This works great, but I want to write some simple integration tests that check that the pages are loading properly. Here's an example of a basic test that checks if the /trends page loads and that it has the text "Trends for Today" on it:

def test_homepage_loads(self):
    client = Client()
    client.login(username = 'testing', password = 'testing')
    page = client.get("/trends", follow = follow_redirects)
    self.assertEquals(page.status_code, 200)
    self.assertTrue( page.content.find('Trends for Today') > 0 )

Problem is, this always loads using the default ROOT_URLCONF rather than the one the Middleware would invoke. Doesn't matter if I explicitly put the hostname into the url as in client.get("http://secondarysite/trends").

How can I test on the other virtual sites with the django test client? I'd like to invoke the middleware in the test so I can test that logic. But if I need to I'd do something hacky like set ROOT_URLCONF for the duration of the tests, but I'm not sure how to do that.

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Using the Django Client you can set HTTP headers like this:

client.get(url, HTTP_HOST = '')

Basically the get functions take a dict of arguments, which it will use as HTTP headers. To adhere to DRY, you could do something like this in setup() of the unittest class:

self.request_headers = { 'HTTP_HOST': 'foo' }

And in your test method:

client.get(url, **self.request_headers)

Note: I'm not sure if this will work for your problem. This is however the only way I can think of to set the headers.

Another solution I can think of is to set the URLConf on your test class, like this:

class Mytest(TestCase):
    urls = 'my.urlconf'

This would however not test the middleware.


The extra keyword arguments parameter can be used to specify headers to be sent in the request

So, you might try to override HTTP_HOST header.

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