
I am a jQuery user and just learning YUI. I have the following code and I keep the error that YUI is not defined. I know it is an issue with linking to the library but I'm not exactly sure what. I had someone else test my code where they had YUI held locally and it worked fine. If I need to do this, how do I obtain a copy of the min.js file? When you download a copy from the YUI site its a tonne of files...

    <title>YUI3 Test</title
     <script src=""></script>

    <div id="menu">
        <p>Click here to test.</p>

        YUI().use('node', 'event', function (Y){
            var changeText = function(e){
      "<p>Now you see the test working.</p>");

            var node ="#menu");
            node.on("click", changeText);

            //node.on("click", function(e){


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You're missing a > after </title. This may be causing the script tag not to be recognized and so it's not loading.

Here it is broken:

And here it works after adding the missing >:

I also had to change setHTML to setContent because YUI 3.2 didn't have setHTML yet. I'd also recommend you to use a newer version of YUI, from 3.9.1 up. There have been a number of great additions since 3.2.

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