
My app uses EventKit to read and write new reminders to and from the Reminders app, which works well. However, I've only found a way to write reminders to the default list that the user selects in the Settings app... My question is, does anyone know if there's a way to create a whole new list, rather than use the default list.

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Apple doesn't allow apps to write to lists other than the default list - looking through the docs yields no way to do so.


Looking through some more literature, I found this!

It seems that the EKReminder objects can be added to any list - based on my limited understanding, this should work at least to write to a different list:

NSArray *calendars = [_eventStore 

for (EKCalendar *calendar in calendars)
    NSLog(@"Calendar = %@", calendar.title);

EKCalendar *calendar = ... //pick one.

EKReminder *reminder = [EKReminder reminderWithEventStore:self.eventStore];

reminder.title = @"Go to the store and buy milk";

reminder.calendar = calendar;

NSError *error = nil;

[_eventStore saveReminder:reminder commit:YES error:&error];
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