
Using Sybase IQ v12.7. Executing sp_helptext ProcedureName shows the text of the stored procedure which is fine. However it wraps lines at 80 characters. The question is, how to show text text of a stored procedure without wrapping?

In Sybase Central Java Edition there is a feature see the text of a stored procedure (Tranact-SQL) without line wrapping. So the question could be restated in a different way: how does Sybase Central get the text of a stored procedure without wrapping the text at 80 characters?

Basically looking for a programmatic way to dump out stored procedures for diff-ing and version control.

Thanks to any responses!

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sp_helptext does not do any wrapping - it breaks up the procedure definition text at the newline characters and returns each line as a row. If you want the whole thing returned as a single string, you can select the procedure definition directly from the system table:

select proc_defn from SYS.SYSPROCEDURE where proc_name='<procedurename>'


Currently I have not access to sybase IQ or ASA server, but I think you are looking something like ASE sp__helptext from

Try to rewrite this one for ASA server.


Look at defncopy utility.

If you are using isql to execute the sp_helptext, then probbably you did not supply the "-w" parameter which sets column_width for current session. Try to do the same with isql -w999 to see if it still wraps.

For my own purposes, to compare stored procedures, I use the defncopy utility provided by Sybase, that kolchanov already mentioned.

If you don't have defncopy (either from Sybase or from FreeTDS) you can use this sqsh and sed-based script:

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