
After one day of looking through Internet I ask this question here:

Is there any way to get pyparsing results, f.e.

result = longSentence.parseString(text.lower())

in a JSON format?

Update 11:46 27 May 2013:
Ok. So I try to make a parser for easy English.
The results for a sentence "Go 5 metres and what do you see?" now are printed as lists:

[[[['go'], [['5', 'metres']]]], 'and', ['what do you see?']]

['what do you see?'] is marked by SetResultsName('Question')
Others are marked similar.

It would be great if it will print that data in this form:

            "Predicate": 'go',
            "Subject": ['5', 'metres']
        "Question": 'what do you see?'
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Solution 2

Ok. After another try of going through documentation I found a very nice way to return this data in a XML form:

result = longSentence.parseString(text.lower()).asXML()

If I add this question with answers - it's done. So it's not so easy, but also not so hard to get results in JSON form. I hope anyone in need will find that.


You'd have to be more explicit, but the general approach would to be to take the parse result and use the json module (whether you want this as a nested dictionary/list, flattened list/etc... is up to you)

import json
json_string = json.dumps(result.asList())
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