
1.) How can i include the CodeSynthesis-XSD Code-generation into my application, so when i give the application (QT in Visual Studio 10) to someone other he doesnt need to install Code-Synthesis?

2.) And how can i specify the output-directory of the .cpp and .h files? xsd help doesnt list such an option? i generate like this with the tree:

>xsd cxx-tree "C:\scheme.xsd"

-> solved via a "cd" (Change-Directory) before executing xsd

3.) i get warnings that i dont know how to solve:

warning F002: attribute 'value' is implicitly of anySimpleType
info: did you forget to specify 'type' attribute?
warning T004: generating parsing functions for 18 global elements
info: use --root-element-* options to specify document root(s)

are there additional parameters that arent listed in xsd help?

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  1. The runtime library (libxsd) is header-only so there is no need for the end user to install it if you are providing your software in compiled form.

  2. Use the --output-dir option

    erik@ubuntu:~$ xsdcxx help cxx-tree 2>&1 | grep -A1 output-dir
      --output-dir <dir>          Write generated files to <dir> instead of current

3. Regarding "warning T004":

    erik@ubuntu:~$ xsdcxx help cxx-tree 2>&1 | grep -A1 root-element
      --root-element-first        Treat only the first global element as a document
      --root-element-last         Treat only the last global element as a document
      --root-element-all          Treat all global elements as document roots.
      --root-element-none         Don't treat any global elements as document roots.
      --root-element <element>    Treat only <element> as a document root. Repeat
                                  this option to specify more than one root element.

If you don't specify any of these options, --root-element-all is implied but you will see the "warning T004". If --root-element-all is what you want, I suggest adding that option to make the warning go away.

Regarding "warning F002": Sorry, I don't know.

Note: "2>&1" will not be needed in the future when CodeSynthesis XSD will start printing the help text to stdout.


Regarding the "warning F002", got the similar problem and figured out that it's being raised when declaring attributes without specifying a concrete type.

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