
Hey guys so Basically what I'm trying to do is when my player collides with all 5 of the points MovieClips in an array and the Goal Movie Clip i want a text to appear saying "Perfect. But i cant quite accomplish this. I set up the function and it seems like it would but i think what might be wrong is the hitTest with all the Movie clips in the array.

Here is how i set it up:

This is in my loop Function:

private function gameLoop(e:Event):void 



This is the function:

private function perfectTextFunction():void 

        if (player.hitTestObject(mcGoal_1 && points))
            trace("perfect Text");
                    mcPerfect = new perfectText();
                    mcPerfect.x = (stage.stageWidth / 2);
                    mcPerfect.y = (stage.stageHeight/ 2);


The Trace doesn't pick anything up.

Here is how the points are added to the stage if needed:

public function addPointsToStage():void
         for (var i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
             points = new mcGainPoints();
             points.x = startPoint.x + (xSpacing * i);
             points.y = startPoint.y - (ySpacing * i);


Please any help would be appreciated! THank you!

VESPER here is how I made the NESTED LOOP:

//If all points are hit then Perfect Hit Text
                if (player.hitTestObject(mcGoal_1 || mcGoal_2)) 
                        var weHitAll:Boolean = true;

                    for (var s in aPointsArray)
                          weHitAll = weHitAll && player.hitTestObject(aPointsArray[s]);
                           if (!weHitAll) 
                    if (weHitAll)

                                trace("perfect Hit");
                                mcPerfect = new perfectText();
                                mcPerfect.x = (stage.stageWidth / 2);
                                mcPerfect.y = (stage.stageHeight/ 2) - 80;

                                nScore += 25;


Was it helpful?


var weHitAll:Boolean=true;
for (var s in aPointsArray) {
    weHitAll = weHitAll&&player.hitTestObject(aPointsArray[s]);
    if (!weHitAll) break; // missed one, drop cycle
if (weHitAll) {
    trace('Perfect hit!');
    ... // etc

Function hitTestObject accepts only a single object as parameter, in order to check against an array you need to iterate through it, checking against one object at a time (here it's in aPointsArray[s]).

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