
I'm using the awesome Sublime Text 2 to write in TI-NSPIRE/ Ti-BASIC programs for Nspire Calculator, but it has no syntax highlighting for TI-NSPIRE/ Ti-BASIC. It would be handy to add TI-NSPIRE/ Ti-BASIC's commands. Does anybody know how I would create a syntax highlighting set for Sublime?

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You'll have to create a new syntax definition for your language. It's basically a set of regular expressions that define scopes, which can then be highlighted using an appropriately-customized theme. If you'd like to look before you leap, browse the Packages directory (reachable through Preferences -> Browse Packages) and look for LanguageName.tmLanguage files in any LanguageName directory (they may be in a Syntaxes subdirectory). These are text files are in PLIST or XML format and are viewable within ST2 itself. Good luck!

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