
In MVC4, is it possible for ViewBag to ever be null? If so, under what scenarios could it be? If not, how do you know?

Specifically, I want to know if it can be null in a view. However, additional information about whether it can be null in a controller would be useful.

For example, do I need to perform a null check?

if (ViewBag != null && ViewBag.Something != null && ViewBag.Something.Foo == "Bar")
    // can ViewBag be null?
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No, it can't.

The ViewBag property getter in WebViewPage looks like this:

public dynamic ViewBag
        if (_dynamicViewData == null)
            _dynamicViewData = new DynamicViewDataDictionary(() => ViewData);
        return _dynamicViewData;


ViewBag itself can't be null, so the first check

if (ViewBag != null) 

is useless

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