
I'm trying to build modal windows on the fly from single javascript object passed by server. But I have no clue how can I serialize form inside modal window without defining form variable . In most examples serialize process look like this:

//create form
var CustomForm = new Ext.FormPanel({...});
//submiting form

In my case all inner components like "form" are created from xtype value,and no variable is assigned to it. Is there any way to select and serialize form using something like this:


or what is apropriate way of doing so?

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You can assign the form an id and use Ext.getCmp(formid).

To retrieve the form values of a FormPanel use myFormPanel.getForm().getValues()

That will come back with a js object representing the form fields.


I wrote a function to take values from a form and generate a string for adding to the query string:

 * takes an array of form values and converts them into a
 * query string
 * @param {object} Ext.form
 * @return {string} 
this.serialize_form_values = function(form)
    var serial = '',
        values = form.getValues();

    for(var value in values)
        serial += '&' + value + '=' + values[value];

    return serial.substr(1);

Maybe it could be useful for someone?

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