
I am struggling with this desperately. I want to collect an array of email addresses from a checkboxed table (some checked but not all) and pass them to Mandrill JavaScript code to send.

There are 2 issues here:

  1. How to send multiple emails in general and
  2. How to pass an array to the mandrill code to execute email sending.

The code is:

    function log(obj) {

    function sendTheMail() {
        // Send the email!
        var emails = [];
        var first = [];
        var last = [];
        $('tr > td:first-child > input:checked').each(function() {
            //collect email from checked checkboxes
        var new_emails = JSON.stringify(emails);
        //create a new instance of the Mandrill class with your API key
        var m = new mandrill.Mandrill('my_key');

        // create a variable for the API call parameters
        var params = {
            "message": {
                "from_email": "",
                "to": [{"email": new_emails}],
                "subject": "Sending a text email from the Mandrill API",
                "text": "I'm learning the Mandrill API at Codecademy."
        m.messages.send(params, function(res) {
                function(err) {


The alert of the array of email addresses is:


and the resulting error message is:


On a more general note, the following works for just one email address:

"to": [{"email" : ""}],


"to": [{"email" : "", ""}],

does not, so I am not even able to hard code a multiple send.

Any ideas? All help gratefully received.

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This is invalid javascript "to": [{"email": "email1", "email2"}]

Change it to "to": [{"email": "email1"},{"email": "email2"}]

In javascript the [] is an array and {} is an object with key/value pairs. So "to" should be an array of objects like {"email": ""}


To map your array of emails to an array of such objects you can for instance use

// Try doing something like this
var emailObjects = $.map(emails, function(email) {
   return {"email": email};

And then change your params to the following

var params = {
    "message": {
        "from_email": "",
        "to": emailObjects,
        "subject": "Sending a text email from the Mandrill API",
        "text": "I'm learning the Mandrill API at Codecademy."
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