
In the context of a Java Rubik's Cube application I am trying to animate the cube actions performed by the end user.

To do that I am just using rotations and many redraws as following:

GL11.glRotatef(zRotate, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

the zRotate variable is icremented from 0 to 90 and I am performing redraws every 20 miliseconds.

It works perfectly but I see flickering on the screen .. How can I avoid that ?

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Solution 2

The solution was to add the SWT.NO_BACKGROUND style in the Opengl canvas creation.


According to this thread, You could call Display.setVSyncEnabled(true); during initialization.

Use Double buffering.

I dont have any experience with LWJGL, but a common technique is to draw into a bitmap and to redraw the screen/window with the bitmap in one step.

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