
Please correct me if my OOP application is incorrect. I have a custom Android class at /src/myworkspace/ that does not extend anything.

public class MyObject {

  public void methodOne() {

Within the main activity, MyObject.methodOne() is called.
How would I manipulate view objects in methodOne?
For example somthing similar to

mButton = (Button) findViewById(;

The methods of MyObject are reused in many activities. If this approach is incorrect, where should the repeatable code be stored?

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I would suggest MyObject receive a view as a parameter:

public class MyObject {
  public void methodOne(Button button) {

The just call it this way from your activity:

... activity code ....
MyObject obj = new MyObject();
Button button = (Button) findViewById(;
.... more activity code.

You can use other approaches too :

Bind MyObject to activity in the constructor :

MyObject(Activity owner) {
   .. assign activity to member

Use Object as a nested inner class.

   class MyObject {

Each has it's merits or gotchyas, I personally would stick with passing a view by parameter, it is the most loosly coupled, and IMO the simplest and least error prone.

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